Cincinnati Semi-Pro Football Hall of Fame
Cincinnati Semi-Pro Football Hall of Fame By-Laws

Article I. NAME
The Name of this organization will be the “Cincinnati Semi-Pro Football Hall of Fame” (“CSPF HOF”)

The purpose of the CSPF HOF will be to recognize and promote the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations engaging in the sport of amateur adult minor-league football in the greater Cincinnati area.

The CSPF HOF will be organized and operate as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Ohio.
For purposes of United States Internal Revenue Service tax filings, the CSPF HOF will be organized as a non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Dissolution – In the event that dissolution becomes necessary, any league debts will be paid first and any remaining assets will be donated to an approved non-profit entity at the sole discretion of the Members of the CSPF HOF Board of Directors (“BOD”). The members of the BOD will determine whether or not to dissolve the CSPF HOF at its sole discretion by at least two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of all members during of the BOD during one of its quarterly meetings. In the event of a tie vote, the Commissioner will break the tie at his or her sole discretion.

Board of Directors
The CSPF HOF will have a Board Of Directors consisting of:
i. Commissioner
Qualifications- As determined by the CSPF HOF BOD.
Appointment – Elected by the CSPF HOF BOD by a majority vote.
Duties - The Commissioner will preside over CSPF HOF meetings and enforce CSPF HOF rules as designated by resolution of BOD. If the Commissioner is unavailable or unable to carry out the duties for any reason, the BOD will appoint an alternate Commissioner as necessary on either a temporary or permanent basis or for special purposes.
Term - The commissioner will hold the office for a two (2) year calendar term.
Confirmation - The Commissioner must be confirmed by a majority vote one-half or more (1/2)of all BOD members present at the December meeting. If no December meeting is held, the vote must be carried out at the next CSPF HOF BOD meeting
Removal - The Commissioner may be removed by a majority vote of at least two-thirds (2/3rds) of all active BOD members
1.Active members are defined as those members who have attended at least two previously scheduled meetings in the prior 12 months. 
Compensation - Will be determined and reviewed annually at the sole discretion of the BOD
ii. Members:
One person per team from any minor league organization  who plays their home games in the Greater Cincinnati Area, is in good standing with the CSPF HOF, who operated and completed a full season during the previous calendar year, is eligible to participate as a member of the CSPF HOF BOD.
Inducted members may also participate at the BOD level.
a) Inducted members wishing to participate at the BOD level of the CSPF HOF must make their interest known to the BOD in writing.

3.)  CSPF HOF BOD participation is set for a period of one year, beginning January 1st – December 31st. Alumni must announce their intention to retain their seat on the BOD either prior to, or during the annual meeting.

Duties of the CSPF HOF BOD-
Will be determined by resolutions executed by at least a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the BOD.
To interpret CSPF HOF rules and policies
To rule on disputes
To determine from the list of each year’s potential candidates, the additional members to be inducted via the voting process.

Compensation- Will be determined at the sole discretion of the BOD
Removal from the BOD – Members of the BOD may be removed from the BOD by at least a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of all BOD members. In the event of a tie vote, the Commissioner will cast the deciding vote.
Term: One (1) calendar year
Conflict of interest: Any rules committee member must excuse his or herself from any matter involving a CSPF HOF member team that said rules committee member is directly affiliated with in any way.
Officers: Other positions such as Secretary, Treasurer, Sgt. At Arms, etc.. may be created at the sole discretion of the BOD or the  Commissioner.

2.      Meetings
Non Refundable: All membership dues and fines paid to CSPF HOF are non refundable.
Annual Fees:New members and existing members of the CSPF HOF will pay an annual membership fee.
i. $50 for team members
ii. $25 for individuals members
iii. Raising or lowering league fees will be voted on by BOD
3.   Fee Schedule: CSPF HOF will issue a schedule of fees (“Fee Schedule”) each year. Fees will be determined at the sole discretion of the BOD.                                                      
4.    Voting Rights: Payment in full of annual dues will entitle each BOD member one (1) vote on all CSPF HOF operating issues.

5.  Payment Method: All fees must be made payable to CSPF HOF by money order, cashier check, or cash.

6. Payment Date: All fees must be paid in full by a date elected by the BOD

7. Failure to pay fees: Failure to pay fees or fines may result in expulsion or suspension from CSPF HOF BOD. Expulsion from CSPF HOF BOD due to failure of paying fee is at the sole discretion of the BOD.

Annual Meetings: CSPF HOF will hold an annual meeting for general membership

Agenda: The agenda for the annual meeting will be determined by the BOD and/or Commissioner. CSPF HOF members wishing to discuss a particular issue need to make a written request to the Commissioner in order to be placed on the agenda. All requests must be submitted (1) one week prior to the start of the meeting. Approval to speak will be issued as time permits. Final meeting agendas will be determined by the BOD in its sole discretion. Agenda’s will be made available to member teams prior to the annual meeting.

Special Meetings: It is understood that there may be a need for special league meetings at other times during the year. Special meetings will be held at the sole discretion of the BOD.

Location: Meeting locations will be determined at the sole discretion of the commissioner, but must be within the boundaries of the I- 275 loop.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. In the event that a BOD representative is not in attendance, it is the responsibility of that BOD member to obtain information regarding any decisions made at such meetings.

Quorum: The presence of at least five CSPF HOF BOD members will be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of CSPF HOF business.

BOD Meetings: The BOD will have separate meetings at is sole discretion but at least once annually see Section IV (I).


The following categories are recognized by the CSPF HOF.
                        i.            Player Category

                        ii.            Coaches Category

                        iii.            Administrators/ Supporters

                        iv.            Lifetime Achievement.

Minimum Criteria for CSPF HOF Admission
The minimal criteria for consideration of inclusion into the CSPF HOF, is a period of no less than one full year of participation on any Greater Cincinnati area semi-pro football team.
Players do not need to be retired in order to be eligible for induction.
Players are judged on talent, athleticism, stats, video evidence, testimonials, and side by side comparisons of player characteristics and abilities of members at similar positions already in the hall of fame. Personal character, and whether or not the prospective candidate was a player that elevated his/her teammates level of play is also considered.
Prospective Hall of Fame nominations will be accepted from any active team in the Greater Cincinnati area, CSPF HOF inducted members, CSPF Executive BOD, and any other source which the BOD deems necessary to fulfill its mission.

Article VI. AWARDS

Description: The CSPF HOF will seek to hold an annual awards banquet and/or a minor league game featuring local teams to recognize the contributions of new and established members of the CSPF HOF. The banquet will be held at the sole discretion of the BOD. Other awards may be established at the sole discretion of the BOD.

Banquet: The location and agenda for the awards banquet will be determined at the sole discretion of the BOD.

CSPF HOF Game: The CSPF HOF will sponsor a local semi-pro game which will be showcase two local organization if at all possible, where the newly selected members will be inducted during a half-time ceremony.

CSPF HOF Plaques: The CSPF HOF BOD will be responsible for the design and selection of a local merchant who will upon request from the alumni member, create an individual plaque at said members expense, unless otherwise provided for by the CSPF HOF BOD.

CSPF HOF Rings: The CSPF HOF BOD will be responsible for designing and selecting the official jeweler for CSPF HOF members.


Reporting: All grievances must be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours after the incident in question by telephone to the CSPF HOF Commissioner. A written copy of the grievance must be filed with the Commissioner within one (1) week from the time of the alleged infraction. The Commissioner will assign the grievance to the BOD members.
Hearing: The Commissioner may elect to conduct hearings in person or by conference call to gather additional information.

Decision: Any decision rendered on a grievance will be released and announced to the CSPF HOF membership via letter, email, or CSPF HOF approved websites.

Appeal: Any member can appeal any grievance to the BOD within one (1) month of a decision. Requests for appeal will be acknowledged via telephone or in person. However, a written copy of the appeal request must be received by the BOD within one (1) month of the initial decision.

Decision Making Authority: Any infraction that involves a CSPF HOF board member affiliated team will be handled by the Commissioner and other CSPF HOF board members not involved with the infraction. In addition, the CSPF HOF BOD member must excuse himself from voting on the final disposition of the grievance.

Disputes between Member teams: It will be the duty of the Commissioner and/or rules committee to settle grievances between members and to rule on any disciplinary action to be administered.

Conflict of Interests: All CSPF HOF BOD members and alumni are subject to the established policy regarding Conflict of Interests.
a) In the event that a current player is among the finalist for consideration of inclusion into the CSPF HOF, the CSPF HOF BOD member team representative associated with the candidate will be excluded from the final vote.


1.      Players Category

CSPF HOF BOD members will gather a list of all possible known candidates prior to the annual meeting
CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni will openly discuss candidates generated from prior actions, as well as any possible nominations not included during the discovery phase of the above process.
Each BOD member and alumni member present at the designated annual meeting will cast a ballot for the top five candidates in their opinion which are up for inductions.
Each ballot will consist of five individual names taken from the approved list of candidates.
Candidates will be placed in order of 1 thru 5, with 5 being the number assigned to the nominee which the CSPF HOF BOD or CSPF HOF alumni member feels most deserving of induction.
The ballots will be collect and tallied by at least two members of the CSPF HOF BOD which will be appointed at the commissioner’s sole discretion.
The top five vote getters will then be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF alumni for an up or down vote.
In the event of a tie, all candidates included in the tie will be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF Alumni for possible induction.
Successful Vote: A 2/3 vote of affirmation by all CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni present at the annual meeting is required for induction into the CSPF HOF.

2.      Coaches Category:
CSPF HOF BOD members will gather a list of all possible known candidates prior to the annual meeting.
CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni will openly discuss candidates generated from prior actions, as well as any possible nominations not included during the discovery phase of the above process.
Each BOD member and alumni member present at the designated annual meeting will cast a ballot for the top two candidates in their opinion which are up for induction.
Each ballot will consist of two individual names taken from the approved list of candidates.
Candidates will be placed in order of 1 thru 2, with 2 being the number assigned to the nominee which the CSPF HOF BOD or CSPF HOF alumni member feels most deserving of induction.
The ballots will be collect and tallied by at least two members of the CSPF HOF BOD which will be appointed at the commissioner’s sole discretion.
The top two vote getters will then be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF alumni for an up or down vote.
In the event of a tie, all candidates included in the tie will be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF Alumni for possible induction.
Successful Vote: A 2/3 vote of affirmation by all CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni present at the annual meeting is required for induction into the CSPF HOF.

3.     Administrator/Supporter Category
  CSPF HOF BOD members will gather a list of all possible known candidates prior to the annual meeting
CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni will openly discuss candidates generated from prior actions, as well as any possible nominations not included during the discovery phase of the above process.
Each BOD member and alumni member present at the designated annual meeting will cast a ballot for the top candidate in their opinion which is up for inductions.
Each ballot will consist of one individual name taken from the approved list of candidates.
The ballots will be collect and tallied by at least two members of the CSPF HOF BOD which will be appointed at the commissioner’s sole discretion.
The top vote getter will then be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF alumni for an up or down vote.
In the event of a tie, all candidates included in the tie will be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF Alumni for possible induction.
Successful Vote: A 2/3 vote of affirmation by all CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni present at the annual meeting is required for induction into the CSPF HOF.

4.      Lifetime Achievement Category
CSPF HOF BOD members will gather a list of all possible known candidates prior to the annual meeting
CSPF HOF BOD members and CSPF HOF Alumni will openly discuss candidates generated from prior actions, as well as any possible nominations not included during the discovery phase of the above process.
Each BOD member and alumni member present at the designated annual meeting will cast a ballot for the top candidate in their opinion which is up for inductions.
Each ballot will consist of one individual name taken from the approved list of candidates.
The ballots will be collect and tallied by at least two members of the CSPF HOF BOD which will be appointed at the commissioner’s sole discretion.
The top vote getter will then be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF alumni for an up or down vote.
In the event of a tie, all candidates included in the tie will be passed on to the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF Alumni for possible induction.
  Successful Vote: A 2/3 vote of affirmation by all members present at the CSPF HOF BOD and CSPF HOF Alumni is required for induction into the CSPF HOF.

5.      Absentee Voting:
CSPF HOF BOD members may pass on their vote in writing to the CSPF HOF Commissioner prior to the annual meeting.
a)       Absentee votes are not to be used during the initial selection process.

b)       Absentee ballots are only deemed valid for use during the final phase of induction where an up or down vote is taken on potential candidates, based on the potential list generated by the CSPF HOF BOD.

c)       Absentee ballots are not valid for use during any other purpose during the selection process..

d)       Absentee ballot votes will only be tallied when a 2/3 majority vote is not obtained for the induction of a potential new CSPF HOF member.

Cincinnati Semi-Pro Hall of Fame Selection Requirements Policy

Article I. Purpose

The purpose of the hall of fame induction requirements policy is to set specific guidelines in place for the selection of future CSPF HOF (Cincinnati Semi-Pro Football Hall of Fame) inducted members. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any and all applicable CSPF HOF by-laws and or CSPF HOF policies, as they pertain toward induction requirements into the Cincinnati Semi-Pro Football Hall Of Fame.

Article II. Definitions and Induction Requirements

1.) Minimal criteria for consideration of inclusion into the CSPF HOF has been set at a period of one year of participation on a Greater Cincinnati area semi-pro football team.

2.) Players do not need to be retired for inducted.

3.) Players are judged on talent, athleticism, stats, video evidence, testimonials, and side by side comparisons of player characteristics and abilities of members at similar positions already in the hall of fame. Personal character, and whether or not the prospective candidate was a player that elevated his/her teammates level of play is also considered.

4.) Prospective Hall of Fame nominations will be accepted from any active team in the Greater Cincinnati area, CSPF HOF inducted members, and CSPF Executive BOD.

Article III. Categories of Recognition

1.)     The following categories are recognition are recognized by the CSPF HOF.

1.      Player Category

2.      Coaches Category

3.      Administrators/ Supporters

4.      Lifetime Achievement.

Article IV.  Category Guidelines

Players Category
The CSPF Executive BOD has set a maximum of five players per year to be considered for admittance in the CSPF Hall of Fame, with no minimum.
Each CSPF HOF BOD member team representative will be excluded from the final vote of any active player on said team that they are directly affiliated with.
A successful candidate selection is achieved by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members.
In the case of a potential candidate not meeting the required minimum by one vote, the Commissioner will cast the deciding ballot.

2.   Coaches Category

The CSPF Executive BOD has set a maximum of two coaches per year to be considered for admittance in the CSPF Hall of Fame, with no minimum.
Each CSPF HOF BOD member team representative will be excluded from the final vote of any active player on said team.
A successful candidate selection is achieved by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members.
In the case of a potential candidate not meeting the required minimum by one vote, the Commissioner will cast the deciding ballot.

3.   Administrators/ Supporters

1.       The CSPF Executive BOD has set a maximum of one person per year to be considered for admittance in the CSPF Hall of Fame, with no minimum.

2.        Each CSPF HOF BOD member team representative will be excluded from the final vote of any active player on said team.

3.       A successful candidate selection is achieved by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members.

4.       In the case of a potential candidate not meeting the required minimum by one vote, the Commissioner will cast the deciding ballot.

4.    Lifetime Achievement

1.      The CSPF Executive BOD has set a maximum of one person per year to be considered for admittance in the CSPF Hall of Fame, with no minimum.

2.       Each CSPF HOF BOD member team representative will be excluded from the final vote of any active player on said team.

3.      A successful candidate selection is achieved by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members.

4.       In the case of a potential candidate not meeting the required minimum by one vote, the Commissioner will cast the deciding ballot.